Sey Rinpoche in Manali India

Message from Indian Himalya

세이 린포체가 전해온 북인도 마날리 소식

People at Sey Rinpoche's Monastery in Manali

H.E. Sey Rinpoche living in Manali India sent us a beautiful message this morning.

"I am very happy to hear that the Cosmian News has started its service early this month. Cheers and Bravo for the happiness of  all sentient beings on our planet.

When a bird is alive, it eats ants.

When the bird is dead, ants eat the bird.

Time and circumstance can change at any moment.

You may be powerful this time. 

But remember!

Time is more powerful than you."

이해산 기자
작성 2018.07.26 08:48 수정 2018.08.18 16:51
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댓글등록- 개인정보를 유출하는 글의 게시를 삼가주세요.
Lee My님 (2018.07.26 13:00) 
Hi! Mr Rinpoche, I really want to go to Manali sooner or later.
댓글 수정- 개인정보를 유출하는 글의 게시를 삼가주세요.
2023-01-30 10:21:54 / 김종현기자