
A global internet newspaper

Launched on July 10th 2018 in Seoul Korea


CosmianNews, a global internet newspaper, was launched on July 10th 2018 in Seoul Korea. 'Cosmian' is one of the two newly coined words by Mr. Tae-Sang Lee, Chairman/President of CosmianNews. The other one is 'Arainbow'. That is to be right on the rainbow, instead of just beholding or pursuing it.

Our mission is to enlighten, inspire and uplift us all, regardless of nationality, race, sex, etc.;

to realize that each and everyone of us is a 'seeker' on one's cosmic journey; and to turn our chaotic world into the cosmos of harmony, love and peace. To be such an aspiring Cosmian is to be Arainbow. So let's all be Cosmians Arainbow. 


"If each one of us is indeed a micro-cosmos reflecting a macro-cosmos, all that existed in the past, all that exists at present and all that will exist in the future, we're all in it together, all on our separate journeys to realize this. May every one of us be the sea of cosmos!"  quoted from Mr. Lee Tae-Sang's book Cosmos Cantata

이봉수 기자
작성 2018.07.19 15:03 수정 2018.07.20 11:07
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